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Features ⭐ ​

We offer many features to help you get started with your indoor mapping project. Below is a list of features that we offer. If you have any questions or need help with a feature please contact us.

We also offer a list of MODULES πŸ“¦ that can be added to your project.

Online Presentation ​

venueOnline slideshow

Campus Plan Visualization πŸ—ΊοΈ ​

A truely digital campus map that is interactive and easy to use. The map is displaying your data. Each campus, building, floor, space or POI is displayed in a digital format.

Barrier Free β™Ώ ​

Manage your barrier free entrances and exits. Check indoor routes for wheelchair access.

indrz wu TU Vienna Barrierfrei Entrance (click image to see live map)

  • Connect images of each entrance
  • Image gallery of each POI
  • Attach details to the POI about the entrance

Where am I QR Code πŸ” ​

Print a QR code and place it in your building. When scanned the user will be taken to the map and shown where they are. qr code

POI Management πŸ“ ​

Manage any POI and share them across your systems. The POI can be linked to any room, building, campus, route, person, lecture or event.

  • Connect images of each POI
  • Image gallery of each POI
  • Attach details to the POI
  • Self ordering of POI tree menu

PDF or Image Map Download πŸ–¨οΈ ​

With a single click you can download a PDF of the map showing you the exact area you are looking at. The PDF is generated on the fly and can be printed or saved for later use.

  • PDF customization
  • logo, copyright
  • Title, Sub Title

Map Image Download πŸ“· ​

Download the map as an image. This is useful for presentations or to use in your own documents.

Indoor Maps + Orientation πŸ“ ​

We build the final map using our standard map styles and designs providing an awesome β€œlook and feel” with our many years of cartographic experience.

Sharing contents πŸ”— ​

The ability to share routes, waypoints or points of interest is done with simple links. These links can be placed in emails, skype chats or integrated in your homepage.

A standard search is provided out of the box. You are able to search the following objects:

  1. Building name
  2. Room number and name (if provided during import)
  3. POI points (if provided during import)

Internationalization 🌍 ​

Language support is built in for multiple languages. Currently the application supports the following languages. Feel free to help translate into your own language, translators are welcome.

  • English
  • German

API βš™οΈ ​

The API is a RESTful API that allows you to access all the data in the system. The API is built to deliver GeoJSON as standard output or JSON.

Here is an example of a GeoJSON POI feature:

// Example of a GeoJSON POI Feature
      "id": 12791,
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPoint",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "icon": "/media/poi_icons/g2249.png",
        "images": null,
        "name": "Public Transport",
        "name_en": "Public Transport",
        "name_de": "Γ–ffentliche Verkehrsmittel",
        "floor_num": 0,
        "floor_name": "EG",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "poi_tags": null,
        "html_content": null,
        "html_content_de": null,
        "floor": 1,
        "campus": 1,
        "category": 26,
        "id": 12791,
        "src_icon": "poi"

Routing / Wayfinding πŸ“ ​

A very important feature to allow users to find their way from A to B within your buildings. We build a network of ways inside your building data so you can route a user from any location to any location on any floor or building. Routes are calculated on the fly for maximum flexibility. Here is a list of some routing features: a. Barrier free routes (wheelchair routes) b. Mid points along routes c. Route to nearest bus station d. Route from building entrance e. Route from /to nearest train station f. Shortest path

Web Analytics πŸ“ˆ ​

Keep your data your own and use your own analytics tool. We provide a simple way to connect to Matomo, Google Analytics or any other analytics tool you use.

Responsive Mobile, Desktop πŸ“± ​

No app store, all web. The system will run on any device big or small on a html viewer. We guarantee the application will run under the newest browsers and there versions

  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari