# Contact

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Fill out this online form form here (opens new window) and get a response in 24hrs.

Made in Austria

🏢 Lakeside B01, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria

# Social

# About

indrz an open source project built by GOMOGI (opens new window) indrz is not a company. indrz is an open source project developed by GOMOGI (opens new window). If you found your way directly to indrz.com (opens new window) through a search engine you should know that and I hope it is now clear. Therefor the contact information will lead you directly to GOMOGI (opens new window), where you will find the same address and contact information. If you want more information about us please visit the gomogi.com (opens new window)

We believe everyone has the right to find where they are going. Access to maps should be from every where for everywhere. Getting lost should no longer happen when your are visiting a new place, our goal is to make "getting lost" a thing of the past.

What sets us apart from the others is our keen attention to detail and the high level of customization / flexibility that we offer. We are GIS (geographic information systems) experts at heart with an affine love for technology.

indrz is a project funded and built by Michael Diener at gomogi.com (opens new window)

# Contact

An open source project built by GOMOGI (opens new window) - Copyright Michael Diener

Inhaber / Owner: Michael Diener
Street: Lakeside B01
PLZ: 9020
City: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Unternehmensgegenstand: IT-Dienstleistung

Email: office@indrz.com
Mitglied:  der WKÖ
Bezirkshauptmannschaft: Klagenfurt

# Contact Form

24Hr response time, every time